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Poetry Has No Limits / La Poesía No Tiene Limites @ The US/MEX International Border

The Berlin Orchestra came to Tijuana to perform alongside an array of wonderful musicians and artists for a "No more walls around the world" event. The event was extremely peaceful. I guess the reason they came from Berlin was because they know a little something about walls and walls coming down. HA. The "NO WALLS" theme was a metaphor for us to stop building walls around ourselves and our communities. Segregation only separates us further.

Even some [6 or 7] TRUMP supporters showed up on the American side of the wall showing their support for bringing people together with art and music.

Well not actually in support LOL. They screamed with their megaphones "Build the Wall! Stay on your side, the wall keeps us safe" and blared patriotic music with the soul purpose to disrupt the festival and dilute the music. It was loud enough to mess up the music but nobody cared. They were mostly ignored, as they should be.

I was very humbled to see how welcoming Tijuanenses are! Among the crowd were people from all walks of life. The experience was AMAZING! Food, Music, Art, Love. The only thing missing for me would be Films.

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